Atlanta Public Schools (APS) Environmental Consulting Services
CERM delivers a comprehensive range of environmental and remediation services throughout the Atlanta Public School System. Aged infrastructure coupled with facility modernization often time disturbs potentially hazardous materials that may impede day-to-day operations of a school system. Our trained assessment and remediation teams have provided APS with environmental planning, compliance and emergency response services to manage and mitigate potential exposures to the facility occupants and the general public.
The following projects are examples of CERM’s environmental consulting services provided for APS:
CERM conducted Carbon Monoxide (CO) testing at sixteen (16) schools included in the Atlanta Public Schools (APS) System on an emergency-response basis. The scope of work for this project was to measure CO levels in the boiler rooms of each school where the testing was assigned.
CERM conducted Hazardous Materials Assessments at the Howard and Walden Schools in Atlanta, Georgia. The scope of work included the visual observations with sample collection and analysis of suspect asbestos-containing materials, suspect lead-based paints, and airborne mold spores. Visual observations and inventories were made of fluorescent light bulbs and ballasts along with estimates of thermostats associated with central and window-mounted air conditioning units in both schools.
CERM conducted emergency-response environmental consulting and testing services for Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) sampling due to the presence of mold at Booker T. Washington High School. The primary objective of the sampling event was to assist Atlanta Public Schools with addressing mold-related IAQ issues that may impede the facility’s day-to-day operations and/or expose occupants to excessive levels of airborne pollutants. The event included sampling for airborne fungal (mold) spores, along with collecting real-time readings of carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), relative humidity, temperature, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to determine whether they were present in concentrations that may contribute to health concerns and/or physical symptoms in persons occupying the facility.
CERM conducted emergency-response Mold Remediation Services at Booker T. Washington High School and Deerwood Academy due to the presence of mold at both schools. The Scope of Work executed for both projects included wipe-down cleaning, and disinfecting of mold impacted surfaces; along with removal of the carpeting and disinfecting of the concrete floors underneath the carpet.
CERM conducted daily air-monitoring services at Harper-Archer Middle School due to the ACM abatement that was necessary prior to the installation of a new HVAC system at the school. The air monitoring services followed Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) standards and guidelines.